Best tips for taking care of your new asphalt driveway Video included

Get the most life out of your new asphalt driveway by following some basic tips and precautions.

  •  Do not drive on your asphalt driveway for 24 hours. 
  • For the first year, be sure to always keep your vehicle moving while turning.  Avoid sitting still
    and turning your steering wheel.  This can grind the surface if repeated.  This is especially
    important in temperatures above 80 degrees. 
  • If you have Zoysia or Chickweed grass, be sure to keep it away from your driveway’s edges.
    These types of grass have roots that spread out horizontally and can “burrow” into your
    pavement; causing holes in the asphalt.  Keep it edged with a line trimmer or herbicide.
  • If your edges have more than an inch exposed, it is a good idea to “backfill” those edges with
    soil or crushed aggregate to support the edge and deter erosion beneath the asphalt pavement.
  • Be sure not to drive your vehicle off your driveway’s exposed edges if they are not backfilled.
    Also avoid parking vehicles for extended amounts of time within 6 inches of an edge.  Sinking
    may occur. 
  • If a vehicle or heavy object is to be placed on your driveway for an extended amount of time,
    periodically move it around or place a piece of plywood under the object to disperse loads that
    cause sinking.
  • Avoid spilling fuels or oils on your driveway.  They will soak into the pavement and cause the
    asphalt cement to lose adhesion.
  • Any cracks that may develop should be filled prior to winter time.  Cracks that develop within 1
    year of installation are generally symptoms of expansive soils (example: clay).  During a drought
    clay shrinks due to loss of moisture.  When that happens it causes cracks or shifting that
    transmits through the rock base of your driveway; eventually causing a shift or crack in the
    asphalt surface.
  • If you decide to sealcoat your driveway, the best time to do it is at least 90 days after its installation.
    Sealcoating applied prematurely can lock in oils and solvents causing your surface to stay soft
    and impressionable.  Asphalt driveways should be sealed within the first year of their installation
    to prevent too much oxidation from the sun's UV rays.  
  • Some driveways will need to have sealcoating applied in cooler temperatures.  Driveway sealer
    takes 21 days for a full cure and is susceptible to scuffing while it’s curing, especially in
    temperatures hotter than 80 degrees.  Driveways with tight turn around areas such as rear or side
    entry should be sealed in cooler temperatures.  The aggressive nature of maneuvering a car in
    and out of a rear entry garage during hot temperatures will cause uncured sealer to scuff and
    possibly track.  You can prevent scuffing of your driveway if you keep your vehicle moving
    while turning the steering wheel. 

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